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Deepti Bhatt, [Google Scholar] Quantum University, Roorkee, India
Ngawang Zepa Royal University of Bhutan [College of Science and Technology]
Muhammad Ahmad Mazher Business School, University Kuala Lumur, Malaysia
Natalia Kolesnichenko Odessa Regional Institute for Public Administration, UKRAINE
Dr. Kelechi Enyinna Ugwu Department of Management Technology, School of MGT Technology NIGERIA
Kamran Abdullayev Institute of Economics of Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan Scopus
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Associate Prof. Purvi Dipen Derashri, Ph.D [Parul Institute of Management & Research, Parul Gujarat India] [Google Scholar]
Deepti Bhatt, [Google Scholar] Quantum University, Roorkee, India
Ngawang Zepa Royal University of Bhutan [College of Science and Technology]
Muhammad Ahmad Mazher Business School, University Kuala Lumur, Malaysia
Natalia Kolesnichenko Odessa Regional Institute for Public Administration, UKRAINE
Dr. Kelechi Enyinna Ugwu Department of Management Technology, School of MGT Technology NIGERIA
Kamran Abdullayev Institute of Economics of Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan Scopus
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