Journal of Language, Literature, Social and Cultural Studies (JLLSCS) is an international peer reviewed and open access journal in the studies of language, literature, religion, political, economic, social, and cultural studies. The aim is to publish conceptual and research articles that explore the application of any language studies, literature studies, religion studies, political, economic, social studies and cultural studies, including in teaching and the everyday experience of language in education. Its scope is international in that it welcomes articles from academics, researchers, graduate students and policy makers. All articles should be in English.
JLLSCS covers, refers to and or is under the Field of Sciences:
[51802] SOCIAL SCIENCES - Behavioural and Cognitive sciences -- Linguistics;
[62022] HUMANITIES - Language and Culture -- Literature Studies;
[62201] HUMANITIES - Language and Culture -- Language Studies;
[62204] HUMANITIES - Language and Culture -- Other Language and Culture.
The scope of journal: assessment and testing in language learning and education; applied linguistics methodologies and issues; classroom language teaching issues; culture and power in language education; language curriculum development and implementation; effective methods for language teaching; diversity, multiculturalism and language education; gender, language and higher education; language skills, development, and issues; language learning and identity; literacy, bilingualism and bilingual education; and teacher training, gender and equality in language education.JLLSCS is indexed by:
- Google Scholar
- Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index)
- GARUDA (Garba Rujukan Digital)
- ERIC (Education Resources Information, US Department of Education)
- EBSCO Open Access
- Cross Reference
- Indonesia One Search
- Bielefeld Academic Search Engine
- Applied linguistics methodologies and issues
- Classroom teaching issues
- Culture and power in the society and education
- Curriculum development and implementation
- Effective methods for language learning and teaching
- Diversity, multiculturalism and language education
- Gender, language and higher education
- Language skills, development, and issues
- Language learning and identity
- Literacy, Bilingualism and bilingual education
- Critical discourse analysis
- Language and culture
- Language and power
- Sociolinguistics
- Pragmatics
- Socio-pragmatics
- Syntax and semantics
- Grammatical metaphor
- Language and culture
- Rhetoric and rhetorical strategies
- Language and globalization
- Appraisal framework/theory
- Contrastive linguistics
- Systemic functional linguistics
- English language & linguistics
- Phonetics & phonology
- Comparative linguistics
- Morphology
- Applied English linguistics
- Language studies
- Communication studies
- Discourse analysis
- Political studies
- Book review
- Language learning skills
- TEFL, and teaching methods and so on.